| You scored as Cartilage Piercing. You could probably be described as a little edgy but basically nice. Good for you for being a complete poser. You're probably a little art kid too. Woo freakity hoo.
Cartilage Piercing | | 100% | Dirty Piercings | | 80% | Tongue Piercing | | 80% | Earlobe Piercing | | 70% | Nose Piercing | | 70% | Nipples | | 60% | Lip Piercing | | 60% | Labret Piercing | | 50% | Belly Button Piercing | | 40% |
What Piercing Are You? created with QuizFarm.com |
I have to admit I found this rather amusing since I don't have or want any piercings. - OlderMusicGeekLabels: different, PERSONALITY
# posted by OlderMusicGeek @ Friday, October 13, 2006