Tuesday, December 18, 2007
PERSONALITY: The Which 80s Movie Scientist Test
My score on The Which 80s Movie Scientist Test:
Ray Stantz
(163 Heart, 154 Genius, 101 Cool, 152 Excitability)
Ghostbusters (1984)
You are Ray Stantz! The heart of the Ghostbusters. You're well-meaning, smart, and you have a childlike sense of wonder about the world. You might get taken advantage of, every once in a while, but it's okay... You're doing your part to help save the world.
"Gozer the Gozerian... good evening. As a duly designated representative of the City, County and State of New York, I order you to cease any and all supernatural activity and return forthwith to your place of origin or to the nearest convenient parallel dimension."
Other scientific possibilities:
Gary Wallace
Wyatt Donnelly
Peter Venkman&
Jordan Cochran&
Egon Spengler&
Doc Brown&
Newton Crosby&
Paul Stephens&
Ben Crandall&
Wayne Szalinkski&
Winston Zeddemore&
Ben Jabituya&
Lazlo Hollyfeld&
Ray Stantz&
Buckaroo Banzai&
Chris Knight
Labels: 80s, childlike, cool, excitability, genius, heart, innocence, movies, PERSONALITY, scientist, well-meaning
Saturday, December 01, 2007
PERSONALITY TRAIT: What's Your Holiday Stress Level?
Your Holiday Stress Level is Moderate |
![]() The holidays sometimes stress you out, but mostly because they wear you down. Take it easy! You can have a fun holiday without running yourself ragged. |
Labels: Christmas, fun, holidays, moderate, PERSONALITY, PERSONALITY TRAIT, stress, stress level, tiring, wearing (down)
PERSONALITY: How Should You Spend the Holidays?
Your Holiday Personality is Fun |
![]() You're all about the celebrating. Whether you're partying hard or singing along to Christmas music, you're totally enjoying the holidays. Make your own Christmas ornaments. Create a holiday mix for all your friends' stockings. Run around your neighborhood late Christmas Eve ringing bells. |
Labels: celebrating, Christmas, enjoying, fun, fun seeking, holidays, PERSONALITY, PERSONALITY TYPE, singing
PERSONALITY: What Movie Is Your Christmas Most Like?
Your Christmas is Most Like: A Very Brady Christmas |
![]() For you, it's all about sharing times with family. Even if you all get a bit cheesy at times. |
Labels: cheesy, Christmas, Christmas movies, family, movies, my family, PERSONALITY, sharing, The Bradys
PERSONALITY: What Crappy Christmas Gift Are You?
You Are Ugly Underwear! |
![]() Comfortable and soft, more people like you than let on. But it's very difficult for you to show yourself in public. |
Labels: bad christmas gifts, Christmas gifts, Christmas presents, comfortable, PERSONALITY, public, shy, soft, ugly, underwear, well-liked
PERSONALITY: What The Holidays Mean to You
What The Holidays Mean to You |
![]() For you, the holidays are about celebration. You enjoy all the fun and fellowship that the holidays bring. You celebrate the holidays in an over the top style. If something is cute, you'll buy it. People end up with a lot of gifts from you - and your house is like a holiday wonderland, full of decorations. During the holidays, you feel magical. You love all of the decorations and how happy people are. You like to sit back and take it all in. You think the holidays should be comforting and relaxing. You don't like the holiday rush... you just like the simple pleasure of the holidays. Your best holiday memories are of childhood foods and traditions. You secretly still wish you believed in Santa Claus. |
Labels: Christmas, Christmas gifts, Christmas presents, comforting, decorations, fun, fun seeking, genorosity, gifts, happiness, holiday rush, holidays, magical, presents, relaxed, Santa Claus, traditionalist
PERSONALITY: Which of Santa's Reindeer Are You?
You Are Dasher |
![]() You're an independent minded reindeer who never plays by the rules. Why You're Naughty: That little coup you tried to stage against Santa last year Why You're Nice: You secretly give naughty children presents. |
Labels: Christmas, genorosity, independent, naughty, nice, PERSONALITY, reindeer, rules, Santa Claus
PERSONALITY: A Christmas Questionnaire
Welcome to the Christmas edition of getting to know your friends. Okay, here's what you're supposed to do, and try not to be a SCROOGE ! ! !
Just copy (not forward) this entire email and paste into a new email that you can send. Change all the answers so that they apply to you. then send this to a whole bunch of people you know, INCLUDING the person that sent it to you . . .
'Tis the Season to be NICE !
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?
Usually wrapping paper.
2. Real tree or artificial?
3. When do you put up the tree?
We used to put it up the Friday after Thanksgiving, but my daughter and I seem to be getting lazier as we get older.
4. When do you take the tree down?
Jan 2
5. Do you like eggnog?
Never cared for the taste - but I love hot cider!
6. Favorite gift received as a child?
Can't remember off the top of my head, but I did enjoy my hot wheels.
7. Do you have a nativity scene?
Yeah, my mom gave me one this year!
8. Hardest person to buy for?
Any teenager!
9. Easiest person to buy for?
My daughter - I swear, she starts suggesting things the day after her birthday.
10. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?
Can't think of it off the top of my head. But I know clothes were never a favorite when I was young, especially sweaters!
11. Mail or email Christmas cards?
Definitely mail, but I've been awful about sending any in recent years!
12. Favorite Christmas movie?
Definitely It's a Wonderful Life. But my daughter and I are big fans of the Christmas special, Olive, the Other Reindeer!
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas?
Some time in December. Usually one of the weekends that I don't have my daughter.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present?
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?
16. Clear lights or colored on the tree?
17. Favorite Christmas song?
Probably "White Christmas" by Bing, but I do like my Christmas punk rock songs!
18. Travel for Christmas or stay home?
"There's no place like home for the holidays....."
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?
I could probably name 6 or 7 and then I would rack my brains trying to remember the last two!
20. Angel on the treetop or a star?
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning?
I allow Jill to open ONE on Christmas Eve!
22. Most annoying thing about this time of year?
Snow and rude jerks!
23. What I love most about Christmas?
Most people - when they arent shopping! - are nice and friendly.
And finally...
Happy Christmas and/or Boxing Day and/or Kwanzaa and/or Hannakah and/or Bodhi Day and/or Sanghamitta Day and/or Shabe Cheleh and/or Makara Sankranti and/or Junkanoo and/or Dong Zhi and/or Toji and/or Soyal and/or Yule and/or Seva Zistane and/or Alban Arthan and/or Long Night and/or Mean Geimrech and/or Brumalia and/or Dies Natalis Solis Invicti and/or Saturnalia and/or Lenaea and/or Wren Day and/or Tekufah Tevet and/or Winter Solstice and/or any other December or winter solstice holidays i missed!
Oh, and Bah Humbug to those who don't celebrate the holidays! :)
Labels: angels, Christmas, Christmas gifts, Christmas movies, Christmas music, Christmas presents, Christmas shopping, Christmas tree, holidays, jerks, my daughter, my mother, questionnaire, stars, survey
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