Friday, September 19, 2008
PERSONALITY: Pirate Identity
Look Who's A Pirate! | ![]() |
Mad Tom Storm
(formerly known as OlderMusicGeek)
Shiver me timbers, you're known as "The Pirate Who Couldn't Pour Piss Out Of A Boot With The Instructions Written On The Heel." In other words, you're completely incompetent and would have been better off as a gardener, or interior decorator.
The Pirate Generator
Talk Like A Pirate Day
when you're done here!
Labels: competence, intelligence, names, PERSONALITY, pirates
PERSONALITY: What's Yer Inner Pirate?
Do you remember the last time you took a chance? It was when you decided to leave the security of your mother's womb and headed for the bright light. It's time to head for the next bright light, my friend. Creativity is not your strong suit. You are good at doing what you are told to do and that, in itself, is a gift. It's not a gift to you, mind you, but a gift to those who will be there to tell you what to do. You like long walks on the beach and cuddling, but would never admit that to your pirate pals who think you are okay but can't always remember your name. Tapioca pudding seems a bit extreme for someone such as yourself, what with all the bumps and stuff. It's a good thing you are on a pirate ship, otherwise, you would be walking because you are positively pedestrian. Have a nice day.
What's Yer Inner Pirate? brought to you by The Official Talk Like A Pirate Web Site. Arrrrr!
Labels: boring, chance, creative, cuddling, extremes, obedient, PERSONALITY, pirates, risk, security, walking
My pirate name is:
Dirty Sam Read

You're the pirate everyone else wants to throw in the ocean -- not to get rid of you, you understand; just to get rid of the smell. Even through many pirates have a reputation for not being the brightest souls on earth, you defy the sterotypes. You've got taste and education. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from
part of the net
Labels: clean, EDUCATION, intellectual, intelligence, PERSONALITY, pirates, smell, taste
Monday, September 01, 2008
PERSONALITY TRAIT: Naming Personality
Your personality type is: Classic Conservative : 50%
Your personality type is: Modern Conservative : 25%
Your personality type is: Classic Outmoded : 10%
Your personality type is: Modern Eccentric. : 5%
Your personality type is: Classic Unusual : 5%
Your personality type is: Classic Eccentric : 5%
Your personality type is: Modern Unusual : 0%
Modern Eccentric
You like totally unusual names. you don't mind if your child is the only person he or she ever meets with the name you chose. You like names that could be considered exotic or cutting-edge. You probably don't have a hang-up about spelling names creatively. Click here For more Modern Eccentric names
Modern Unusual
You like modern-sounding names. None of these old-fashioned names for you! Newly coined names and ambigendrous names are probably trends you like. Click here For more Modern Unusual names
Modern Conservative
You want your children to have names that are not too crazy or wild. You tend to like modern and up-to-the-minute names, and don't care if your child has classmates with the same name. You probably don't want your child to run the risk of teasing by having a name that's too outlandish, or too old-fashioned. click here For more Modern Conservative names
Classic Conservative
The names you like are gentle and accepted and stand the test of time. Perhaps you like to honor family members in your children's names. You probably don't like strange spellings, or anything too exotic, unusual or weird. click here For more Classic Conservative names
Classic Outmoded
You prefer names that probably belong to your friends and family. You are most likely male (for some reason, guys like this category better than gals). While these are the names of an older generation than is being named right now, they could be considered cutting-edge in some circles. click here For more Classic Outmoded names
Classic Unusual
You prefer names that have a history. These are fashionable classics that have come back into use after several generations of quiet slumber. click here For more Classic Unusual names
Classic Eccentric
You prefer names that have a history. Perhaps you like names with historical connections or meaning. Although your favorite names may be considered stuffy and old-fashioned by some, to you they sound fresh and new and are ready for dusting off and being plunged into the new name pool. click here For more Classic Eccentric names
Naming Personality Type Quiz
Labels: acceptable, bizarre, classic, conservative, exotic, family, friends, history, modern, names, naming, old-fashioned, PERSONALITY, PERSONALITY TRAIT, spelling, strange, teasing, unusual, weird
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