KillRegrets on Twitter directed me to this site. But I'll warn you, it's a loooong questionnaire! - OlderMusicGeek
Calendar Age
What's making your RealAge younger or older...
Shed extra weight.
We calculated your body mass index (BMI) to be 30.6.
BMI is a measure that represents the relationship between your weight and your height. It gives us a good start when estimating health risks, but it doesn't tell the whole story. What's missing is how much fat you have, relative to your overall weight, and where that fat is on your body. Read more.
Follow a weight loss program you can stick with. If you’re already shedding pounds, keep up the good work. Keep up the cardio.
Keep moving and get stronger.
Do more strength-building exercises.
Maintain your current heart rate.HealthYounger - Taking meds as directed
Older - Not taking a daily aspirin
Older - Not knowing your cholesterol levels
HabitsYounger - Being a non-smoker
Younger - Buckling up
Younger - Designating a driver
RelationshipsYounger - Needing to teach healthy habits
Older - Not enough friend and family time
Younger - Having parents who stayed together
DietYounger - Getting plenty of omega-3s
Younger - Enjoying a range of foods
Younger - Taking a daily vitamin
FitnessYounger - Doing cardio activity
Older - Not doing enough strength training
Older - Having a high BMI
The Real Age test Labels: age, BMI, buckling up, cholestrol, diet, family, fat, fitness, food, friends, HEALTH, heart, heart rate, medication, parent, relationships, smoking, strength, vitamins, weight
# posted by OlderMusicGeek @ Friday, December 05, 2008