Monday, August 17, 2009
PERSONALITY TRAIT: The Catholic Identity Quiz
The Recovering Catholic
Basically, the Catholic religion is, "If it feels good, stop."

Maybe you had a lot of valid questions about Catholicism and no one ever gave you a straight answer. Maybe your parents used Catholicism as an oppressive tool to make you obey them. Perhaps you went through many traumatic events in your life and found no support from the Church. Maybe your mind is so scientific that you can't accept anything which can't be proven scientifically. Maybe the Catholics you knew were overly pious, self-righteous, blind believers, and you didn't want to be associated with them. Perhaps you just can't understand how a "just God" could allow such evil and injustice to flourish in this fallen world.
There are a multitude of reasons why sheep drift from the flock.
But maybe you're just a future prodigal daughter or son...
Take the test
Labels: answers, beliefs, Catholicism, evil, injustice, justice, obedient, oppression, PERSONALITY TRAIT, pious, prodigal son, SCIENCE, self-righteous, SPIRITUALITY/RELIGION, support, trauma, understanding
PERSONALITY TRAIT: The How Evil Are You Test
The Angel
So pure... So fragile...

Troubled by a world that has long lost its innocence, if it ever knew such a thing.
You are the angel the one farthest away from evil, as such you cannot understand how someone can be capable of the attrocities that humanity commits day in and day out. Many would call you weak, but to have lived this long submerges in darkness and risen untainted takes the kind of strength the likes of which they will never understand.
You scored 17% on Evil, higher than 6% of your peers.
Take the test
Labels: angels, atrocities, dark side, evil, fragility, long lived, PERSONALITY, PERSONALITY TRAIT, pure, strength, submerged, understanding, untainted
Sunday, August 09, 2009
PERSONALITY: The "Let's Dream" Questionnaire
As always, running a radio station where I could play whatever music I felt like.
It would sound something like this...
2. If you could be any weight, what would you weigh?
Not sure, but I'd like to get rid of this pot belly!
3. If you could live anywhere, where would you live?
American southwest.
4. If you could have any number of children, how many would you have?
I used to think one boy and one girl, and I probably would have liked that if I had stay married and had kids earlier.
But now the one girl I have is fine!
5. If you could win a ridiculous number of millions in a lottery, what would be the first thing you'd buy?
Not sure, probably some fund for my daughter's college, in case we lost the millions!
6. If you could take up, or spend more time on a hobby, what would it be?
I'd probably hunt out more music and waste more time on the computer, maybe running an internet radio station!
7. If you could speak any language, what would your first language be?
English would still be first, but I'd like to be fluent in Sesotho since it's part of my daughter's heritage.
8. If you could have a special talent, what would it be?
Hmmmmm, I guess playing guitar.
9. If you could live to any age, what would it be?
100 sounds good.
10. If you could jump on a plane/train/bus right now, where would you go?
Indian subcontinent! Always wanted to check it out.
Labels: age, children, dreams (hopes), family, finances, hobbies, jobs, language, money, music, my family, my music, PERSONALITY, places, questionnaire, talents, traveling, weight, work
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
POLITICS: Political Spectrum Quiz
You are a left moderate social libertarian.
Left: 7, Libertarian: 3.11

Well, I often joked that I'm a "liberal-tarian". - OMGeek
Foreign Policy:
On the left side are pacifists and anti-war activists. On the right side are those who want a strong military that intervenes around the world. You scored: -3.55

Where are you in the culture war? On the liberal side, or the conservative side? This scale may apply more to the US than other countries. You scored: -4.53

Labels: anti-war, authoritarian, conservative, culture, culture war, foreign policy, liberal, libertarian, moderate, pacifist, peace, peacemaker, PERSONALITY TRAIT, POLITICS
Monday, August 03, 2009
PERSONALITY TRAIT: The AQ (Autism-Spectrum Quotient) Test For Asperger's Syndrome
In the first major trial using the test, the average score in the control group was 16.4. Eighty percent of those diagnosed with autism or a related disorder scored 32 or higher. The test is not a means for making a diagnosis, however, and many who score above 32 and even meet the diagnostic criteria for mild autism or Asperger's report no difficulty functioning in their everyday lives.
Take the test
Labels: anti-social, Asperger's Syndrome, Autism, detailed, habits, imaginative, loner, non-imaginative, non-social, obsessed, PERSONALITY, PERSONALITY TRAIT, scores, social
ENTERTAINMENT and PERSONALITY TYPE: The Which Star Trek Species Would You Be? Test
The logical and loyal. Congrats, my favourite species!
Congrats, you're a Vulcan! You tend to be the more logical person. Whenever a difficult task comes up, you are the one with the answer. You analyse everything, and make sure you have the right answer before saying anything. You tend to be a more peaceful person, preferring not to act in violence. You are extremely loyal to your friends. However, many people tend to see you as emotionless. This is not true. You tend to hide your emotions from others, rather than let them show through. You are very good at giving advice and saving the humans when they make reckless mistakes.
Well-known Vulcans include: The icon of Trek, Spock; Sarek, father of Spock; Tuvok of Voyager; and T'Pol of Enterprise.
You scored 80% on Vulcan, higher than 97% of your peers.
You scored 7% on Ferengi, higher than 62% of your peers.
You scored 7% on Borg, higher than 21% of your peers.
You scored 7% on Romulan, higher than 16% of your peers.
You scored 0% on Cardassian, higher than 25% of your peers.
You scored 0% on Klingon, higher than 13% of your peers.
Take this test
Labels: advice, analytical, correct, emotions, ENTERTAINMENT, friends, hide emotions, knowledgeable, logical, loyalty, movies, nonviolent, peace, PERSONALITY, PERSONALITY TYPE, saving, Star Trek, television
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